Audience Builders

Numeris Audience Builder

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The Numeris RTS study is a comprehensive source of consumer brand preference, shopping behaviours, financial activities, dining, travel, psychographics and media consumption information on Canada and major markets in Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa-Gatineau – English, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. intelligentVIEW, in partnership with Numeris, has the ability to filter through survey responders and create audiences based on their responses to key consumption and media related questions.

Numeris Audience Builder allows you to build audiences from hundreds of questions collected in the Numeris RTS study. Audiences are created by cross-tabulation of individual responder data and the corresponding postal codes are exported for further analysis and profiling in intelligentVIEW.To use it, click on Numeris Audience Builder from the Side Navigation Bar/Featured Tools.

  • The first screen in the builder asks you to select Markets or Regions (Numeris radio listening markets).
    • You can select multiple Markets or Regions
    • As you make your selections, on the top right you will see the Projected Population in Canada and the Sample size in Numeris.
    • Use the chevrons to open and close the Market or Regions selection column.
  • Underneath you will be prompted to Select your Categories
    • These are the Numeris survey question categories. There are a lot of categories to select from, use the scroll function to see them all. 
    • When you want to select a question, click on it and a check mark will appear next to the question. If you want to unselect it, click on it again and the check mark will disappear. 
    • Click on Next when you’ve selected all the Categories you want to build your query on

Note: If you have only selected a few categories or a very small Region or Market, there may be no questions mapped against them. The system will let you know, and you can go Back to add more survey categories. 

  • You will then have the option of selecting the specific questions within the category that you want to analyze. 
  • Select multiple questions, intelligentVIEW will build out the audience. Once you have made all your selections, click Next, which will take you a final screen to review and manage your selections.
  • Tip: If the screen appears blank, scroll up to see your selections. 
  • TIP:AND means that the audience definition must meet two or more criteria. Your audience will get smaller. OR is incremental and will add to your audience. 
  • For example, drivers of BMW AND Lexus will produce an audience where responders must have both makes of these cars, likely producing a small sample. Selecting an audience that has a BMW OR a Lexus will produce an audience that has either make or both, creating a larger audience. 
  • In this screen you can toggle the questions to be AND or OR, remove questions that you may not want, or go back to add additional questions.
  • Once you have made all your selections, click Create
  • Enter a name for your new File and Select/Create a Project where you want to save the file and click on Continue.
  • You will get a prompt that the file has been successfully created. Click on continue to see the File in the File Listview.

NAMING TIP: Give your project a unique name that will be remembered by you and anyone else who may be using the system. Calling projects by people’s names or ‘Tests’ could result in confusion and duplicates. Remember there are often multiple users from the same company.