Direct Mail Activation

Generating a Carrier Walk

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 90 views
  • In your report you will see Carrier Walk in the Insights Report module selector
  • Your carrier walk report is generated based on the segments and benchmark that you have selected from the Refine Audience Side bar/Opportunity Dashboard
    • For example, if segment G2 shows 11.69 percent of your customer file and your benchmark is Toronto CMA, you will be ranking Toronto CMA carrier walks by the number of households they have falling into segment G2.
  • Click on the Generate Carrier Walk button once you’ve decided on the correct segments and benchmark.
  • Select which version of the Canada Post Letter Carrier Walk data you want to choose.
  • The data is updated monthly and usually contains the current version and the latest available version from Canada Post, typically published a month in advance. This helps plan direct mail campaigns ahead of time as per the most up-to-date available Carrier Routes.
  • A list of postal walks that match your segment selection for the selected version of the data will be displayed, and is updated depending on your version selection
  • The ranked Carrier Walk file for the selected segments is then generated which displays carrier walks in descending order of Target Penetration.
  • You have the option of choosing to target Houses, Apartments or Farms in any combination which regenerates the list based on the selection made.
  • The system also allows you to precisely narrow down the number of target points of call (physical addresses) for your campaign
  • And finally, you can also input the cost per unit of a mail so that you can accurately estimate your budget.

For example, now that you’ve identified your highest performing segments in CMA Toronto, but you only have a budget of CAD $20,000 for your campaign. Your total cost per unit is $0.20, you can input the cost per unit and select the number of points of call. Assuming that you only want to target Houses and apartments, your selection would look like the following:

To get a copy of the output for your letter shop (commonly referred to as a Mail Service Provider) after the filters have been applied, click the Download EST button.

  • The EST file format is Neighbourhood Mail Type 1.
  • Your carrier walk file in EST format will automatically be saved to your browser’s default downloads folder as a .txt file. Send this file to your lettershop.