Insights Reports

Refine Audience Side bar and Opportunity Dashboard

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The Refine Audience Side bar on the right side of the screen allows you to select intelligentSegments and the Geographical Benchmark. The Benchmark file is typically the geographical region or market area you are targeting to acquire new customers.

The Opportunity Dashboard is the top level page of the Insights Report which allows you to visually see the segments on the Market Opportunity Chart based on index, penetration and Geographical Benchmark. Watch this video to understand how the market opportunity chart works.

The Opportunity Dashboard gives you a visualization of which market segments offer the largest opportunity in your target market, as well as how your Audience File compares to the opportunity available. Using the Market Opportunity chart can then inform your decision as to which segments you want to target, and therefore also see more detailed insights about.

Using the Segment Selector in the Context of Insights

The Segment Selection feature, available from both the Refine Audience Side bar, as well as the Opportunity Dashboard, is used for 2 purposes

  1. The Segments Selected are filtered through to the rest of the Insights Reports. This means, for example, that if I see 5 Segments in the top right quadrant of my Market Opportunity Chart and select only those, the rest of my Insights Report only shows the attributes for all the rows in my Audience File that are a part of the Selected 5 segments. This can help provide valuable detailed insights into a smaller target of my Audience that can drive marketing decision making. This is true of Heat Maps to help visualize where my targets live, as well as in the generation of Carrier Walk files to help create Direct Mail Campaigns.
  2. The Segments Selected can also be used in the Audience Extractor from the Refine Audience Side Bar. Simply click on the Extract Audience button, choose whether you want to extract the audience for the benchmark file or the target file, and then submit the audience for media activation in intelligentVIEW

NOTE- When used in the context of Reporting Insights, the segment selection only selects them for the Target Audience File, not for the benchmark. For example, if I select segments A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 in the Refine Audience Side bar, the Reports show data for those segments only in the Target File values, the benchmark remains untouched. This is so that you can compare the insights for the selected segments to the entire geographical benchmark.