Insights Reports


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IntelligentSEGMENTS are a two-tiered segmentation system created by CIG to group together Canadian Households into 94 segments based on similarities exhibited in a number of key characteristics such as geography, demographics, psychographics, spending, product and media usage, and shopping behaviour.  

The segmentation module answers:

  • Do I perform better with some consumer segments over others? What are the differences I can understand to improve my performance in key segments?
  • How many more households are there in my target market in each segment? Does this represent an opportunity?
  • What other characteristics do these segments have that help me better understand my customers beyond how they interact with my products and services?

How to use intelligentSEGMENTS

The intelligentSEGMENTS report initially ranks segments based on the percentage of your customer file that falls into each segment. You have several useful options to re-sort the report ascending or descending by;

  • Segment
    • intelligentSEGMENTS are organized alphabetically from A through T, with A having the most and T having the least affluent households.
    • If you want to know your file penetration in the top segments simply click the Segment column to sort segments in ascending order. Click again for descending order.
  • Benchmark (Bmk)
    • Sorts are based on the number of households in each segment, within the benchmark you selected for your report.
  • Index
    • Sorts are based on the relative penetration of your file compared to your benchmark. An index of 200 means you are are twice as likely to find a segment within your customer file as you are in the benchmark.
  • Households (HH)
    • Sorts are based on the actual number of households/customers in your file that exist in a segment

To see the full description of a segment click the chevron on the right-hand side. Here is where you will find details about the segment:

  • HH in Bmk is the number of households in that segment within your chosen benchmark. This may represent an opportunity depending on your intended application.
  • HH in Canada shows the percentage of Canadian households represented by that segment.
  • Avg HH Income is the average household income of the segment nationally.
  • Avg HH Net Worth is the estimated average household net worth (assets fewer debts) of the households in that segment across Canada.

One of the values of the segmentation report is to begin to identify opportunities.