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Optimizing Facebook Campaigns

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Tips on Using intelligentVIEW Audiences for Facebook Campaigns

IntelligentVIEW supports the activation or pushing of audiences directly to Facebook (Meta).

There are several ways to push your built audiences to Facebook, including:

  • From the intelligentSEGMENTS page in the Profile Reports.
  • From the Extracted Audiences Page under “Activate Audience” in the side Navigation bar.
  • Directly Uploading an Audience of Mobile Device IDs from the “Extracted Audiences” Page.

It’s simple to do and the tool walks you through the steps.

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to extract and push audiences to Facebook.

While intelligentVIEW manages the process of building and pushing audiences to Facebook, the success of your campaigns also requires working with your agency partner, or in-house media experts, to fully leverage Facebook’s optimization models and best practices.

To get started, here are some useful tips Meta shared with us, so that you can leverage with your own media team.

Success Starts with How your Campaign is Set-up

Meta is a signals-based platform and you need to ensure that tracking is set up correctly to capture the signals needed to accurately measure a campaign’s success. Find out more here.

TIP: If your team is new to Facebook, make sure they register and spend time with the Meta Blueprint knowledge centre.

TIP: When you are testing a new audience, it is suggested that you start with events or conversion points that are higher up in the funnel, so that there are enough signals for the system to learn.

Once the tracking is in place and your audiences have been pushed to Facebook, then your campaign can be launched.

Campaigns Start with a Learning Phase

Anytime you push a new audience, there is a learning phase at the start of the campaign. This timeframe is needed for Facebook to start capturing the signals you have set-up, which is why it’s recommended to start with conversion points higher up in the funnel.

TIP: To move from the learning phase, the Facebook optimization models needs to kick in. This typically requires a minimum of 25 – 50 events, or conversions.

TIP: If you put the conversion point to low in the funnel in the learning phase, you’ll probably never get enough signals for the optimization models to kick in.

TIP: Once the optimization models begins you can start moving the conversion points further down the funnel.

For example, large purchases like automobiles normally have a purchase funnel that lasts for around 2 months from the time the initial intent of buying a new vehicle is made. Whereas for not for profits, the decision to donate could be taken in the span of a single day. Be realistic with expectations and ensure you’ve allocated enough budget spend and time to allow for the learning phase and the system to optimize.

Patience is Key

With campaigns on Facebook, there isn’t a one size fits all approach that yields instant dividends. You need to allocate enough time and budget for the learning phase before you start comparing results to existing campaigns, or audeinces in Facebook.

TIP: There are some basic rules of thumb when looking at a minimum budget go through the learning phase and test new audiences.

Average conversion cost x #signals = min learning budget


Let’s say you are a not-for-profit and you’ve built an audience of lookalikes targeting one-time donors. If your current conversion cost is $22 on Facebook, you should probably also look at the following budget for the learning phase.

$22×50 = $1,100 AND you will want to move the conversion point higher up the funnel and broader for the Facebook optimization system to kick-in. Look at your typical conversion path and look for a higher-up entry point, maybe it’s watching a video, or clicking through a number of pages. You want to start at these conversion points for the learning phase.

TIP: Meta recommends starting with the biggest possible audiences during the learning phase, since the optimization models need to conduct several experiments to generate signals.

This is where managing expectations and working with your media partners to set up and optimize new audiences is critical.

Click here for more information and tips on getting the most out of your Meta Campaigns.