Dealertrack Audience Builder

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Dealertrack Audience Builder

The Dealertrack Audience Builder is a licensed 3rd Party Audience builder developed in partnership with Dealertrack. It is an additional Add-On to both the Standard and Premium Plans. It is available to you if the link is live, and unavailable if it is greyed out.

The Dealertrack Audience Builder allows you to analyze and filter through Automotive Sales data for both New and Used vehicles from 2018 onwards. Audiences are created by cross-tabulation of selected filters and the corresponding postal codes are exported for further analysis and profiling in IntelligentVIEW. The transactions can be filtered on many different levels.


  • Transaction date range
  • Type of Transaction (Loan, Lease, Balloon)
  • Market
  • Selling Dealer
  • Buyer Gender, Marital Status and Age Bracket
  • Vehicle Make, Model and Year
  • Odometer Reading; and
  • Cash Price Range

To start the workflow, click on the Dealertrack Audience Builder from the Side Navigation bar.

  • First, select the date range of Transactions you would like to consider in your query.
    • Inputting only a ‘From’ Date takes all transactions after that date.
    • Inputting only a ‘To’ Date considers all transactions from Jan, 2018 until that date.

NOTE –  For all the Filters selected on the page after the date, note that NOT selecting a value considers all the transactions in the set. Eg. If I don’t select a Vehicle Make after selecting a transaction date range, every vehicle bought or sold in that date range is considered the Audience to be Exported.

  • Then Select the Transaction level information and what types of transactions are being considered as well as a loan/lease term if applicable.
  • The Market section only takes Customers located in specific Geographic Areas for analysis. This can be done at 3 levels.
    • Province – Considers all the Customers living in the selected province(s).
    • Cities – Considers all the Customers living in the selected city(ies). Users can also choose to filter by province if the list is too long, but note that all analysis is only done in the cities selected.
    • Distance from dealer. Considers all the Customers living within a radius of dealers selected. Users can filter the dealer list by Province and City if the list is too long to search through, but note that all analysis is only done on the dealers selected.

NOTE – When selecting a Province, City or Dealer, type the first few characters to get a refined list of search results. Currently, the system only displays the first 100 results in the listview so that you don’t have to scroll through a very long list.

– The Selling Dealer is different from Market since it considers which dealer made the sale. This can be used in conjunction with Market to identify cases when customers are buying cars from outside their home market. Or it can be used to identify individual dealer performance. The level of analysis and filters work like the Market section.

NOTE – Selling Dealer is not to be confused with Market. Selling Dealer refers to the Dealer that made the sale, Market refers to Vehicle Buyers who live within a specifically defined Geographic Area.

  • The Buyer Section is used to identify non-PII level aggregated data of buyers including their Gender, Age Range and Marital Status.
  • The Vehicle section allows users to focus on specific vehicle brands for analysis. This can also be done at 3 levels.
    • Vehicle Make- Considers all the Transactions involving selected vehicle make(s).
    • Vehicle Model- Considers all the Transactions involving selected vehicle model(s). Users can also choose to filter by make if the list is too long but note that all analysis is only done on model(s) selected.
    • Vehicle Year – (Note to be confused with Transaction Date), this filter only considers all the Transactions involving specific years of a particular vehicle model. Users can also choose to filter by make if the list is too long but note that all analysis is only done on Year(s) selected.
  • The Odometer Reading Range filter is used to focus on how many kilometers vehicles sold have been driven.
  • The Cash Price Range allows is used to know roughly how much money was spent on the vehicles purchased.

Once all the filters are set, click on the Extract Postal Codes button to Launch the File Creation workflow. Once you set a Project and File name, you can use this file for analysis just like any other file in IntelligentVIEW.

On this screen, you can select which Project this file goes into, as well as set a File name. The file can then be analyzed using IntelligentVIEW just like a regular file.