Managing Files within a Project

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When working in intelligentVIEW you are probably going to want to use some files in multiple projects. One file cannot be attached to multiple projects, so you are going to want to be able to move the file around.

You do this by including and excluding files attached to your project.

To manage a project you need to go to the Project page and click on the name of the project you want to manage the files within. This will bring up the project management screen. Click manage files.

You will then be brought to the edit project page that allows you to:

  • Change the name of a project.
  • Include files that are uncategorized in your project.
  • Remove files from your project.

To move a file between projects you first exclude them from one project, which means they become uncategorized, and then you go in and edit the project you want to move the file to and use the include file drop-down to attach the file to that project.