Training & Onboarding

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Getting Started with intelligentVIEW in 3 Simple Steps

We know that your team’s time is valuable, so we’ve designed our onboarding and activation program to be both customizable to help you achieve your goals, and flexible to align with your team’s availability.

As a customer, you’ll work closely with a dedicated customer success (CS) lead. They will be your primary point of contact from onboarding to ongoing support, who will build out your onboarding calendar, which typically takes between two–four weeks.

Here is a quick overview of the process.

Step #1: Kick-off meeting

Identify users, define your priorities, and set a training schedule.

Step #2: Training

All packages include four training sessions conducted by your CS Lead.

Training Sessions:

Session 1: Intro to intelligentVIEW – Part 1

Passwords and logging in:

  • How to set up a user account on intelligentVIEW.

Navigating the dashboard:

  • An overview of all the key features of intelligentVIEW.

CiG Help Centre:

  • Access quick breakdowns and step-by-step guides for all of intelligentVIEW’s functions and features.

Session 2: Intro to intelligentVIEW – Part 2

Understanding profile reports:

  • A walkthrough of intelligentSEGMENTS and report modules.

Using comparison reports:

  • Learn how to compare multiple files with each other.

Carrier Walks — direct mail activation:

  • How to use carrier walks for unaddressed admail campaigns.

Session 3: Audience Builders

Numeris and Dealertrack Audience Builders:

  • Learn the basics of intelligentVIEW’s audience builder tools.

Using comparison reports:

  • Create and scale audiences across multiple attributes.

How to leverage custom audiences:

  • Make strategic decisions from custom audience profiles.

Session 4: Digital Media Activation

Audience selector:

  • Select and action intelligentSEGMENTS for media activation.
  • Define and extract digital audiences.

Pushing audiences to programmatic:

  • Learn to place orders with programmatic media vendors.

Step #3: Activation

Over the first few weeks after training, your CS Lead will actively check in with you and your team to ensure that you are comfortable using intelligentVIEW, and are executing your priorities identified in the kick-off meeting.

Future Support

Don’t worry, your CS Lead will continue to be available to support you and your team as you fully adopt intelligentVIEW into your marketing workflow. The intelligentVIEW help site is an up-to-date tool to help guide you whenever you need it.