Segmenting a File

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Segmenting a file is a powerful tool that allows you to select specific segments from a file and develop a profile specific to the selected segment.  

You can access this workflow from the Audience Selector (Programmatic and Direct) function under the Monitoring, Tracking and Program Outputs 

  1. Select the Segments that you want to profile.  Click Next.
  2. To the right, the files contained within that Project Folder will be displayed.
  3. Select the file that you want to segment.
  4. Select Proceed 
  5. intelligentVIEW will begin extracting the postal codes from the selected file based on the segments that you selected.
  6. A CSV file will be produced, and you will have the option of downloading the file.
  7. Save the downloaded file in the appropriate Project Folder.
  8. Run a profile report of the new file.

Extract Postal Codes from a File

In addition to using the Audience Selector for segmenting a file, it can also be used to extract postal codes to drive geography-based marketing campaigns such as direct mail and telemarketing.  The postal codes can be matched to third party lists to target within those lists the segments that you are targeting