Managing Projects

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Projects are the containers of intelligentVIEW. They are where you store and access the files and reports you create. Every time you go to load a file or create a report you will be asked to either create a new project or assign the file or report to an existing project.

The project page is where you will find all your organization’s projects. IntelligentVIEW is set-up that all users can see and access other users Projects, Files and Reports. This is important as it ensures that users have access to the same data when generating insights. 

The page defaults to uncategorized files at the top. You can sort the projects page by project name, # of files attached, date and created by. To find your most recent projects, use the Created by sort, or go back to the homepage and look under my projects.

Tip: we recommend that teams develop naming conventions when using intelligentVIEW that are understood by all users. 

From here you can get an overview of what is contained in each project:

  • # of files attached to a project,
  • last date the project was accessed, and;
  • who created the project.  

By clicking the chevrons at the top of each column, you can resort the projects alphabetically, by date and by creator names. 

You will notice that there are two default projects already in your system:

  • Standard Geographies – this project is pre-loaded for all intelligentVIEW subscribers.
    • It contains national, provincial and City CMA postal codes. You will use this file for creating benchmarks.
  • Uncategorized Files this is a system default project that holds any files that are loaded into the system, and they are not attached to a project.
    • These could be files loaded by any user, not just you. 

TIP: If you load a file and cannot find it, look in the Uncategorized Files project before starting over.